Our vision, approach and plans: building collectively towards digital justice in Europe
written by Salmana Ahmed and Laurence Meyer It has been a few months now, since we have been up and running as a team, and it has been a busy and exciting period– setting up our internal operations, co-organising a Knowledge and Imagining space on Digital Policing with ENAR and the second Colour of Surveillance […]
Decolonising the Field, Decolonising Ourselves
Recently, we kicked off phase II of the decolonising process for the digital rights field DFF is facilitating together with European Digital Rights (EDRi). Over the next 12 months, a group of different stakeholders will work to collaboratively design a robust, multi-year programme to set in motion a decolonising process for the digital rights field in Europe. The vision we are working towards is […]
Envisioning a Decolonised Digital Rights Field – and Charting Next Steps
This post was co-authored by Nani Jansen Reventlow and Claire Fernandez. How do we create change? Numerous books, essays and TED talks have been dedicated to this question, and courses have been designed to equip us to change policy, workplace environments, and numerous other contexts. A crucial ingredient seems to be having a vision of […]
Decolonising Digital Rights: Why It Matters and Where Do We Start?
This speech was given by DFF director, Nani Jansen Reventlow, on 9 October as the keynote for the 2020 Anthropology + Technology Conference. The power structures underlying centuries of exploitation by one group of another are still here. Besides the fact that we, in reality, still have over 60 colonised territories around the world today, […]
Rebuilding the master’s house instead of repairing the cracks: why “diversity and inclusion” in the digital rights field is not enough
Silicon Valley is not the only sector with a “white guy” problem: civil society struggles with this as well. Oddly, it wasn’t until I looked at the group photo taken at the Digital Freedom Fund’s first strategy meeting that I noticed it: everyone in the photo except for me was white. I had just founded […]