
Imagining, organising, supporting

The Elements Of A Digital Justice Ecosystem In Europe


This programme sets out a collective vision for digital justice activism in Europe.

Rooted in the necessity and desire for digital rights work to meet the needs of all in society, particularly those placed at the margins, we imagine a different ecosystem. We imagine a digital rights field that prioritises fighting against the harms experienced by marginalised communities, addresses internal power dynamics and organises in solidarity, an ecosystem that supports and sustains resistance, healing and community by and for those most harshly affected. We imagine a network of racial, social, queer, transfeminist, environmental, economic, and tech activists fully equipped to win the fight for digital justice. The ecosystem we imagine is one that will organise towards anti-colonial digital futures.

This programme proposes how we might create and sustain this ecosystem.

It is the product of the multi-year collaborative work described in the blueprint involving around 30 participants from the digital rights field, social, racial, environmental and economic justice organisations, researchers as well as funders. To see the participants to the process- please visit our meet us page.

On this page, you will find an audio reading of the programme in English and romani, the different chapters of the programme to download  and the programme itself embedded for you to consult on the webpage.

Finally, if you scroll all the way down you will find word document of the programme in different languages (PortugueseEnglishRomaniSerbian, arabic, Spanish and French). 

Please reach out to us if the programme speaks to your work and you are interested in being part of implementing its vision! 

Audio version

Want to listen to the programme?

Below are audio versions in English and Romani.


Download Audio version (.mp3)

Chapters towards a digital justice field in Europe

The programme is organised into sections.

Here you can download each section separately, or scroll down to view and download the full document.

"This digital justice ecosystem will have three pillars : imagining, organising and supporting. Imagining digital futures, Organising spaces for organisations to meet, coalitions to be built and movements to strengthen. Supporting to ensure that change is worthwhile first of all for the people making it happen"


This chapter sets out the background to and vision for the programme

Tending to the digital justice ecosystem

This chapter explains how the programme seeks to radically transform the digital justice ecosystem in Europe.

I) Imagining through collective, community-centred knowledge

Without imagination, there is no liberation, and without theory, there is no radical change. This chapter sets out a vision for how knowledge production will happen in the digital justice ecosystem.

II) Organising Solidarity

This chapter envisions new infrastructures for organising and solidarity to ensure that communities primarily affected by technological harm set the agenda of digital justice work and can build solidarity practices amongst those with a shared interest in collective liberation.

III) Supporting and Sustaining Movements

This chapter envisages the need for structural changes in the way resources are allocated in the ecosystem, new roles to better connect and support movements, and internal decolonising processes in organisations in the field.

Text-based version (.doc)

Click on the buttons below to download the programme as a text document in various languages (.doc)

The French document is almost ready and we’ll soon share it.


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